Crimes reported in Bradley from 1st January 2017 to 15th May 2017.
January. Theft from motor vehicle. Crag Lane
February. Dwelling house burglary. B Crag Lane. Occupants away at time.
February. Theft of wildlife camera. Crag lane
It is helpful if you ring 101 or report on the Police website when a crime has occurred, so an accurate picture can always be made of trends and occurrences in our area.
Recently there has been ab spikeb in theft from unattended motor vehicles. These have mainly happened overnight in hours of darkness. A common theme is that owners are reporting b no sign of forced entryb , which indicates that vehicles are being left unlocked by owners. A recent call from our colleagues in West Yorkshire shows they are suffering a similar jump in auto crime, and they have information that a gang are operating 4 handed just prowling the streets and merely trying car door handles until they find one unlocked, then making a quick untidy search for anything of value.
Quad bikes are still a hot target for criminals, who will recce the area during daylight hours for suitable property to be stolen. Anyone seeing vehicles b where they shouldnb t beb are asked to ring details in with preferably make, model, colour and registration number.
Old Land Rovers are still being targeted for parts. Recently one has had a wheel stolen and another had the headlights removed.
Bogus fish sellers are touring villages. Some may be legitimate, but also some are a front for offenders to have a peek around properties during daylight hours. If you feel it is suspicious, ring it in and let the police find out who they are.
As summer is approaching and the weather gets warmer (hopefully), residents are asked to ensure accessible windows are not left open when property is unoccupied, or when they retire for the night.
The two problems which the public can do something about is 1. Many houses were insecure and the thieves would use next doors ladders to get in to upstairs windows. 2. The issue of the older Euro-cylinder locks. Many homeowners have still not changed their locks to upgrade to the snap safe style. We caught 3 males in a car in the Bay Horse pub car park only a few days ago with the kit to snap the older locks. We are currently in negotiations with a local window company to stock and sell the new British Standard Snap safe lock.
The new camera safety vans b love or hate them b are here. We hope they will have a significant impact on driver behaviour and reduce collisions on the A629. They come in 3 different sizes. Transit, Car derived van and motorcycle. This means that they can do smaller sites like minor roads or in town. They are surveying sites at the moment to increase locations but they are also looking at where they can catch burglars too as the vans have Automatic Number Plate Recognition on them.
If anyone wants to have more information about what is happening in their location please subscribe to our community messaging system.
I am sure you will agree that Bradley is still a relatively safe place to live, but I ask that everyone plays their part in reporting suspicious activity and ensuring their property is secure.
Inspector Geoff Crocker
Neighbourhood PC Andy Bell