Following concerns of crossing the A629 at the junction with Ings Lane which were highlighted in the consultation for the Neighbourhood Plan and a public meeting held in October 2017, Bradleys Both Parish Council has been working with the local authority to improve the situation, especially for pedestrians trying to access the bus stops.
We are pleased to announce that work is due to start in March 2019 to install one traffic island and a pedestrian island at the junction of the A629/Ings Lane. Funding the work, which will cost B#15,000, has been raised jointly by Bradleys Both Parish Council, North Yorkshire County Council and the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioners Office.
Most of the work will be carried out overnight and is expected to be finished by 31st March 2019.
Bradleys Both Parish Council would like to thank North Yorkshire County Council, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissionerb s Office and especially District Cllr Patrick Mulligan and Ward Cllr Andy Brown for their contributions to this important safety issue.