Thanks to all those who attended the volunteer day to help with the clearance
of Dales Lane. Excellent progress was made clearing the entrance and
cutting back foliage. More days will be organised once the current
restrictions have been lifted. Thanks all for your continued support.
Category: Footpaths
Footpath Volunteer Meeting 15th of Jan @ 7pm
The second footpath volunteer meeting will be held on the 15th of January @ 7pm at the Village Hall. In addition to existing members, if you are new and want to help out, please feel free to attend.
Footpath Volunteers First Meeting
The first meeting will be on the 13th of November 7pm @ the Village Hall. An agenda will follow shortly.
Footpath Volunteers Required
We’re looking for people to help with footpaths in and around Bradley, if you are interested please sign up using the following form First meeting scheduled for November.
We’ll look to cover the following areas…issue identification, vegetation removal, way marking and minor repairs.
If you are interested please sign up! 🙂
Alternatively please talk to Councillor Steven Wood.
Dales Lane Footpath
Work has been carried out on the Dales Lane Footpath to clear overgrown areas at the entrance and along its 600m length.
The path is fairly rocky and boggy in areas so good footwear is recommended.
There is still work to be carried out along this path which will be scheduled in the future.

Public Rights of Way
There has been a rise in walkers straying from the public rights of way on farm land and leaving gates open causing extra work for farmers who have to round up stray animals. Please respect the countryside code. A screenshot of the rights of way around Bradley is below but a more detailed map can be found on the NYCC website at: