Road Safety – Highways Visit Tuesday 5th September 2017

The Parish Council hasB arranged forB the Head of Highways at NYCC and other officers to visit Bradley to observe the road safety issues we are concerned about.
At 3pm, we will take a short car tourB from Bradley to Cononley, Snaygill roundabout and back to the village to experience the A629 and the approach roads to our village.
FromB 3.30 – 3.45pmB we will be at the bus stopB near Skipton Road/ MIll Lane junction to observe theB area around the school at the end of the school day.
FromB 4.00 – 4.10pmB we will be at the bus stop onB Ings Lane to observe theB junction with the A629 and experience of pedestrians crossing the A629.
At 4.30pm residents are invited to the Village HallB toB meet withB Highways officers, shareB your experiences and concerns and ask any questions.
For furtherB information please emailB Veronicka Dancer atB

Scam calls

North Yorkshire Police have been made aware of members of the public receiving phone calls from a male, speaking in a foreign accent, claiming to be from BT advising them that their computer has alerted them to problems in relation to their Broadband/Router. He claims that it is being heavily infected with a virus and as such BT need to send an engineer to their property the next day. But beforehand they require the customer to log onto their computer to facilitate a fault report for the engineer.
If the customer refuses to go along with their scam, the male becomes extremely abusive.
If you have been victim to such a phone call please contact Action Fraud on 0300 1232040

Update on Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Bradleys Both Pre-Submission Consultation Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan was shared with the community during a statutory 6-week consultation and also with statutory bodies over the last year.
Since then, the Neighbourhood Planning Group have carefully reviewed all comments and feedback received and are now  finalising the Draft Final Neighbourhood Plan prior  to submitting it to Craven District Council.
The  FInal Neighbourhood Plan will then be submitted to an independent examiner, and once passed, it will proceed to Referendum of Bradleys Both residents.  A YES vote of over 50% of those voting will be required for the NDP to be incorporated into Craven District Councilbs Local Development Plan and the Plan will then have statutory powers and will implement the vision for our community and shape the future up to 2032.

Untidy hedges and verges

The Parish Council has asked North Yorkshire County Council to inspect hedges and verges in the village which are overhanging pavements making it hazardous for pedestrians to walk safely, particularly to and from school with pushchairs and young children.
NYCC have inspected those on the list and will attend to any on their land and contact owners of properties where hedges are causing a problem that it is their responsibility to ensure they are not causing an obstruction to the pavements.
Lets all try and keep our village tidy and safe for all.