Saturday 19th October 2024

11am—4pm in the Village Hall

The Parish Council, along with the Village Hall Committee, invite you to come along and meet the volunteers who make living in Bradleys Both a better place. This will also be a way to connect with neighbours, make new friends and celebrate the vibrant spirit of our community. Whether you are new to the village or have lived here for years, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Some of the groups who have been invited to attend include Bradley In Bloom—the Women’s Institute—Bradley Football Club—Bradley Cricket Club—Bradleys Both Community Primary School—Bradley Village Hall.

It was unfortunate that Bradley Show couldn’t go ahead this year due to lack of volunteers and time constraints. Perhaps there is someone attending who could get together with friends to bring back Bradley Show 2025?

Come along and see what the Parish Council does to make Bradleys Both a better place to live, see how the Neighbourhood Development Plan has worked in our favour to get the best design for the houses on the site allocated in North Yorkshire Council’s Local Plan.

Refreshments will be provided and we look forward to welcoming you and hearing your ideas for this very special village.

Email: if you would like more information or to book a space.

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