Yorkshire Water announce hosepipe ban.

To ensure webre able to apply for drought permits this winter, we are putting a hosepipe ban in place from 26 August 2022, which would mean the following activities are prohibited:

  • Watering a garden using a hosepipe
  • Cleaning a private motor-vehicle using a hosepipe
  • Watering plants on domestic or other non-commercial premises using a hosepipe
  • Cleaning a private leisure boat using a hosepipe
  • Filling or maintaining a domestic swimming or paddling pool
  • Drawing water, using a hosepipe, for domestic recreational use
  • Filling or maintaining a domestic pond using a hosepipe
  • Filling or maintaining an ornamental fountain
  • Cleaning walls, or windows, of domestic premises using a hosepipe
  • Cleaning paths or patios using a hosepipe
  • Cleaning other artificial outdoor surfaces using a hosepipe

Customers can still carry out these activities if they use water from a bucket or watering can; or use water that is not sourced from the mains such as grey water, rainwater from a water butt through a hosepipe, or private boreholes for example.

July 2022 Update

July 2022 The Neighbourhood Plan is almost complete. We have now received the updated SEA and HRA reports from Craven District Council. All the documents go to the statutory bodies i.e., Historic England, Environment Agency and English Heritage for comment. Following receipt of comments the Plan will be formally submitted for examination by an independent examiner. A referendum will be organised by Craven District Council for residents to approve the Plan. Once approved it will be adopted.

Update on Canal works

The Canal & River Trust are going to try a temporary fix to let the canal reopen in the next two weeks.  Webll do this by clearing the bed of the canal and placing supports over the top of the culvert to reduce the weight on them and prevent it collapsing further, and then relining over the top to prevent leakage through from the canal into the culvert.  It is hoped this work will be done by 9th July. 

“The design work on the permanent fix can then continue until approximately September, then we can plan the works in canal closure window this winter if all goes well with the temporary fix.”

The tow path will be closed while the temporary fix is carried out and then again in the winter for several months while the permanant repair is done.

Annual Parish meeting

Residents are invited to the Annual Parish meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 19th April at Bradley Methodist Chapel schoolroom. This meeting is for residents to discuss issues/concerns in the village. If you have any questions you would like to ask please could you send them to bradleysbothparishcouncil@gmail.com before 15th April. The meeting will be followed by the normal Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm. Agendas for both are on the website.