Neighbourhood Development Plan

All documents are also on North Yorkshire Council website at:

The Regulation 16 consultation has now finished. Representations received by Craven District Council are here:

July 2022 The Neighbourhood Plan is almost complete. We have now received the updated SEA and HRA reports from Craven District Council. All the documents go to the statutory bodies i.e., Historic England, Environment Agency and English Heritage for comment. Following receipt of comments the Plan will be formally submitted for examination by an independent examiner. A referendum will be organised by Craven District Council for residents to approve the Plan. Once approved it will be adopted.

The Bradleys Both Pre-Submission Consultation Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan was shared with the community during a statutory 6-week consultation and also with statutory bodies over the last year.
Since then, the Neighbourhood Planning Group have carefully reviewed all comments and feedback received and are now  finalising the Draft Final Neighbourhood Plan prior  to submitting it to Craven District Council.
The  FInal Neighbourhood Plan will then be submitted to an independent examiner, and once passed, it will proceed to Referendum of Bradleys Both residents.  A YES vote of over 50% of those voting will be required for the NDP to be incorporated into Craven District Councilbs Local Development Plan and the Plan will then have statutory powers and will implement the vision for our community and shape the future up to 2032.



Draft local plan consultation 19th June to 31st July

The council’s third (pre-publication) draft local plan is out for public consultation from Mon 19th June until the end of Monday 31st July 2017. This follows consultation on an initial draft in autumn 2014 and a second draft in spring 2016. The council has improved the 2016 version in response to previous comments and in light of new evidence from recent planning studies. The current consultation will enable further improvements to be made before a final version is produced and subjected to formal approval procedures, including an Examination in Public.
Consultation documents and a comments form can be downloaded from Reference copies of the consultation documents and paper copies of the comments form are also available at the council’s reception desk and at local libraries. Comments forms can be submitted by email or by post during the consultation period.