The Annual Parish meeting took place on the 19th April 2022 where concerns of speeding through the village and the state of the pavements were raised.
The Chair’s annual Report and the report from District Councillor Andy Brown are in the documents page of this website.
The Parish Council was saddened to receive the resignation of Cllr William Barron and Cllr Sam Berry and thank them for all they have done to help the Parish Council on projects which have benefitted the village.
Following advertising the Parish Council was able to co-opt two new Councillors, Edward Coulson and Andrew Binns who we are sure will be a great asset to the Parish Council and the village.
Bradleys Both Parish Council is saddened to hear of the death of Prince Philip,

PLANNED ROAD CLOSURE NOTIFICATION – 28169 – Lidget Road, Low Bradley
Due to adverse weather conditions this closure, which was originally planned for 2nd February 2021, has been postponed until 3rd February 2021.
The Closure will be in place for a period of 1 day between 3rd February 2021 and 3rd February 2021 to allow BT to replace an existing pole. The closure will be in place between the hours of 09:30 and 15:00.
The Road Closure and any associated Diversion Routes can be viewed using this URL link
North Yorkshire County Council
Following concerns of crossing the A629 at the junction with Ings Lane which were highlighted in the consultation for the Neighbourhood Plan and a public meeting held in October 2017, Bradleys Both Parish Council has been working with the local authority to improve the situation, especially for pedestrians trying to access the bus stops.
We are pleased to announce that work is due to start in March 2019 to install one traffic island and a pedestrian island at the junction of the A629/Ings Lane. Funding the work, which will cost B#15,000, has been raised jointly by Bradleys Both Parish Council, North Yorkshire County Council and the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioners Office.
Most of the work will be carried out overnight and is expected to be finished by 31st March 2019.
Bradleys Both Parish Council would like to thank North Yorkshire County Council, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissionerbs Office and especially District Cllr Patrick Mulligan and Ward Cllr Andy Brown for their contributions to this important safety issue.
Whilst we are investigating the possibility of making the speed limit 20mph throughout the village, we are now looking for volunteers to take part in a Community Speed Watch, probably in the area at the top of Lidget Road, near the Village Hall.
The site has to be pre-approved and anyone taking part will be fully trained on the equipment and what is required to be recorded. The presence of a team and equipment in itself can also act as a deterrent and encourage road users to take more care in the area.
If you would like to take part in a Community Speed Watch please get in touch at
The Government have set a target of 11 million extra trees to be planted in the United Kingdom.
This recognises the considerable deficiency in the tree numbers across the land compared to other countries in Europe but more particularly the contribution to the management of global warming and greenhouse gases trees make. Further, in these times of unpredictable weather, trees make a positive impact on the permeability of the soil helping to mop up excess water.
Yorkshire has fewer trees than almost any county in the country, by a big margin. This has been recognised by the work such bodies as the Woodland Trust and Yorkshirebs National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Authorities who have been focussing on replenishing tree numbers across the County for some years.
The Parish Council wish to gather views from you about any approach or position our Parish could take to make a positive contribution to the greening of our environment.
If you would like to comment please contact the Clerk on
In commemoration and remembrance of the end of World War 1 and the many millions who were killed or came home dreadfully wounded, a chain of beacons will be lit at 7pm on the 11th November 2018 b a century after the guns fell silent. The event will also commemorate the huge army of men and women on the home front who, often in dangerous and exhausting conditions, underpinned the war effort – keeping the wheels of industry turning, bringing the harvests home and ensuring the nation did not starve. The beacons will symbolise the light of hope that emerged from the darkness of war. Bradleys Both Parish Council would like to take part by lighting a beacon or bonfire on the 11th November 2018. If you have any comments or wish to help please contact
The spoofed emails from claim recipients have made an order online and mimic an automatic customer email notification.
The scam emails claim recipients have ordered an expensive vintage chandelier, Bose stereos, iPhonebs and luxury watches.
The emails cleverly state that if recipients havenbt authorised the transaction they can click on the help centre link to receive a full refund.
The link leads to an authentic-looking website, which asks victims to confirm their name, address, and bank card information.
Amazon says that suspicious e-mails will often contain:
b”Links to websites that look like, but aren’t
b”Attachments or prompts to install software on your computer.
b”Typos or grammatical errors.
b”Forged (or spoofed) e-mail addresses to make it look like the e-mail is coming from
In addition
b”Amazon will never ask for personal information to be supplied by e-mail.
b”Read more about identifying suspicious emails claiming to be from Amazon.
If you have received such an email or been victim of the above scam please report the matter to Action Fraud, National Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting Centre 0300 1232040
North Yorkshire Trading Standards are still receiving calls from residents/businesses who are approached by traders claiming to be working on nearby roads who have tarmac left over they need to get rid of. Thinking they are getting a bargain, residents are agreeing to work being done finding to their cost the work is overpriced and of poor quality. Please do not agree to such work being done and report anything suspicious to the Police on 101 or Trading Standards on 03454 04 05 06
The Centenary of The First World War has created a lot of interest particularly for those related to someone who died or served in the Armed Forces and ancillary services during the conflict. As an aid to those researching their family members involved in the various conflicts, the Wharfedale Family History Group started its War Memorial Project just over twelve months ago and have since recorded the names from over two hundred War Memorials and Rolls of Honour, from North Leeds to the source of the Wharfe, taking in the Washburn Valley and parts of Airedale and Malhamdale.
Many local groups are carrying out similar projects, but this group differs in that they are seeking memorials not just to those who died but also all those who served in all wars. The database now includes the names of several thousand men and women.
Two members of the Wharfedale group recently visited Bradley to photograph our war memorial in the Village Hall. The group would be very interested if anyone has a list of the 85 people who served in World War 2 as mentioned on the plaque in the village hall entrance or knows the whereabouts of the Primitive Methodist Roll of Honour.
If you have any information or stories you would like to pass on to the group please forward this to our Parish Clerk on or to Stanley Merridews at Also, if anyone would like to be involved in this project please contact us at this email address.
Urgent phishing scam alert
An email is in circulation pertaining to come from a Met Police email account. The email sender is shown as This is not a valid Metropolitan Police email address. The subject is shown as Crime Prevention Advice. A file called is attached to the email.
The text of the message is as follows:
See attached document to read more about crime prevention advice.
Metropolitan Police Service.
If the attachment is opened iSpy key logger malware is downloaded on to the host device.
If you receive an email from do not open any attachments b report the incident to Action Fraud at
Traffic calming on Lidget Road, Bradley
The Parish Council requested the North Yorkshire Police Traffic Bureau to monitor speeding on Lidget Road. This is the outcome:
- The speed data obtained indicates a mean (average) speed of 23.123 mph and an 85th%ile* of 28.128 mph. The speed of vehicles on the road at this location are well within the 30mph speed limit, which is appropriate for this road.
- The injury accident data base does not indicate any speed related accidents within the last three years. North Yorkshire Police only takes account of recorded collisions which result in personal injury as ‘damage only’ incidents are not routinely reported to the authorities and therefore cannot be relied upon to assess the accident potential at any given location.
- However, although enforcement and engineering works are not available in this instance, you are more than welcome to look into the possibility of Community Speed Watch (CSW). CSW has recently been launched by North Yorkshire Police and allows communities to monitor speed themselves, and report this information back to the police. Someone from that CSW team will be in touch with you shortly to explain the scheme further, and give you details on how to get involved.
- No further action will be taken.
The Parish Council is now considering if 20mph restrictions through the village are a viable proposition. If you have any comments please send them to
The Management Committee asked each of the nine Parish Councils in the South Craven area to help with funding based on the number of borrowers as a percentage of their first year costs. As 1.67% of borrowers reside in Bradleys Both Parish, the Parish Council were happy to make the requested donation of B#116. The following comment has been received from the Library Services Treasurer.
“On behalf of the Management Group at South Craven Community Library, may I express our gratitude for the support from Bradleys Both Parish Council. Your donation will go a long way to help us with the running costs in 2017. It is our intention to keep all the current services provided by NYCC at Cross Hills Library, including the Home Delivery Service, which we know is greatly appreciated in all Parishes served by the Library.
We are still in need of volunteers to help run the Library, so if you’re interested, please get in touch at We are particularly interested in anyone who can help set up, and possibly train a volunteer to maintain our own web site.
Once again, many thanks for your support.”

NORTH YORKSHIRE POLICE have located an amount of property in Bradley including 2 x mountain bikes, a money box & some clothing. Are these yours? If so, please contact NYP on 101 quoting N Y P – 1 4 1 1 2 0 1 6 – 0 0 2 0
What does fully co-mingled mean?
It means that the collection methodology will be simplified: all your recyclates (paper, cans, plastic, glass and card) will be collected on the same day in the same container. This takes away the need for multiple visits.
The new methodology will mean you have a collection once a week on the same day. In week 1 you will present your green wheeled bin for residual waste for emptying, then in week 2 you will present your blue bin/pod for emptying. This gets us away from the need to distribute and collect blue bags.
The government has set a target that all local authorities are to achieve 50% recycling by 2020. This new methodology will help us to get there and achieve what we are being asked to do.
We now want to ask you what you think.
To complete our survey please click here.
Alternatively you can download a copy of the consultation here: Co-mingled consultation [51kb]
and email it to
or post it to Co-Mingling Consultation, Waste Management, Craven District Council, Belle Vue Square, Broughton Road, Skipton, BD23 1FJ.
Hard copies of the survey are also available at Belle Vue Square, Skipton, Craven Swimming Pool & Fitness Centre, Skipton Tourist Information Centre and Settle Tourist Information Centre.
The consultation will close on December 21st 2016, so please complete the survey by this date.
Bradley Show
Following a rather wet, but enthusiastic Party in the Park on Saturday 3rd September, the Bradley Show opened to blue skies and great crowds on Sunday 4th September. Two benches were unveiled on the day, one in memory of Fell Runner Neil Pate and the other to the Parish Council Clerk for over 40 years – Mike Tomkins.
Can you help MacMillan Cancer Care.
MacMillan Cancer Care are currently seeking new volunteers to help with one off collections, marshalling at events or even offers of hosting your own fundraising event. However, we are also offering our time to visit your community groups to give talks and raise awareness about our services, and let people know how they can get support whilst living with or beyond cancer.
You may be aware that September is a busy time for Macmillan as we see thousands of people across the region take part in our Worldbs Biggest Coffee Morning. Whether you are hosting, baking, purchasing or tasting at an event near you, we wish you all the success and thank you for supporting local people affected by cancer.
Viki Power Fundraising Manager for Skipton, Airedale and Craven Macmillan Cancer Support Telephone: 07801 307050 – Email:
MacMillan Poster
Northern Gas Networks traffic congestion.
TRAFFIC congestion will last for at least three weeks as work on a B#130,000 upgrade to the gas distribution network at Bradley will begin today.
Northern Gas Networks (NGN) is investing the money to replace the ageing gas pipes in Keighley Road.
The major project is part of NGNbs ongoing development of infrastructure in the area, and will involve replacing 640 metres of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.
Families urged to come forward for help with winter bills
ONE-OFF GRANTS are available to families and individuals on low incomes in the run-up to winter.
More than 20 energy companies offer the Warm Home Discount scheme, which gives eligible customers a one-off grant towards their electricity bill or prepayment meter during the winter.
Schemes are set to open from around August time, and the payment is expected to remain the same as previous years at B#140.
Families on low incomes or welfare are encouraged to get ahead of the queue and register their interest now with the support of the Warm and Well in North Yorkshire project, which seeks to raise awareness of cold homes.
Although criteria for the grant varies according to the energy supplier, generally customers qualify automatically if they are in receipt of the Guarantee element of Pension Credit.
Households might also be eligible for the payment if they receive certain means-tested benefits or have an annual income of less than B#16,000 and there is a child under-5, someone with a disability, or someone elderly living at the property. In this case residents have to apply for the B#140.
Kate Urwin, the Yorkshire Energy Doctor, who is working with Warm and Well said:
bCustomers can either apply online via their electricity supplier or call them up. It is a good idea to get in quickly as some schemes are first come first served and close when they have reached their maximum number of applicants.
bThe B#140 payment can go a long way to easing financial pressure on families during the winter, and is set up in such a way that it reaches those who need it the most.b
For support with the Warm Home Discount application as well as with wider energy matters such as debt or switching, families are also able to contact Kate directly. She can be reached on 07738 818391 or 01757 249100.
Families can also talk to Warm and Well in North Yorkshire for a wider variety of support around being cold at home. Please or call 01904 704177.