Public Rights of Way Consultation

NYCC areB consulting on a proposal to change the way theyB prioritise management and maintenance of public rights of way within North Yorkshire, excluding those managed on our behalf by The North York Moors and Yorkshire Dales National Parks.
Public rights of way are footpaths, bridleways and other routes that everyone can use without needing permission from landowners.
“At over 6,000 km, our public rights of way network is one of the longest in the country. One of ourB key objectives is to make sure this important asset is safe and usable for both residents and visitors.
In an average year, customers will report 3,000 defects, such as a brokenB stile or a fallen tree. Maintenance of the network is arranged by a small team of officers with support from landowners, contractors and a dedicated group of countryside volunteers.
We haveB had to reduceB our spending by around 35 per centB over recent years and this has affected all council services, including public rights of way. As a consequence we are now looking at ways to continue managing the public rights of way network with less money.
The purpose of this consultation is to ask people for their views on a new approach to categorising the public rights of way network. Doing so will allow us to focus routine maintenance in areas where paths are agreed as being more important or better used. The category of a route will also help us to plan how we respond to defects that we find or are reported to us.”
To have your say on the public rights of way consultation click on this link. Deadline 19th March 2017

Parish Greening

The Government have set a target of 11 million extra trees to be planted in the United Kingdom.
This recognises the considerable deficiency in the tree numbers across the land compared to other countries in Europe but more particularly the contribution to the management of global warming and greenhouse gases trees make. Further, in these times of unpredictable weather, trees make a positive impact on the permeability of the soil helping to mop up excess water.
Yorkshire has fewer trees than almost any county in the country, by a big margin. This has been recognised by the work such bodies as the Woodland Trust and Yorkshirebs National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Authorities who have been focusing on replenishing tree numbers across the County for some years.
The Parish Council wish to gather views from you about any approach or position our Parish could take to make a positive contribution to the greening of our environment.That could mean the planting of trees or shrubs in-locations anywhere in the parish including grass verges or small green spaces in the conservation area, the newer development or on the hillside or valley.
Tell us what you think and give us your views via the usual channels.
If you would like to comment please contact the Clerk on

Community Speed Watch

The Parish Council is trying to organise a Speed Watch in the village with the assistance of North Yorkshire Police who will train those who take part in the use of the equipment and recording. B We need two to four residents who can spare an hour or so at a future date. If you are interested in taking part please email your contact details to B and further information will be sent to you.